Det der hollandske internationale jura-kontor.. puzzles me..! Nu valgte de så at svare på min mail ang. min Human Rights-eksamen.. At det havde de da allerede fortalt mig pr. mail fra d. 6. marts.. What?! tænker jeg, og finder så mailen frem, hvor JEG læser det som om at de bare bekræfter min Criminology-eksamen.. SUK! Så ku jeg da også bare lade være med at dumpe TO eksaminer .. ..
Men i al fald er det vist helt i orden, alt sammen.. THANKS for telling me..!
Værsgo at følge den sindsoprivende spændende mailkorrespondance..; (suk!)
Nyeste mail, modtaget i dag.. "Jamen, vi har da ordnet din Human Rights-eksamen"-isch
RE: re-sit Human Rights
Fra: International Office - Bureau Buitenland (
Sendt: 3. april 2009 10:55:14
Til: 'Cecilie Rasmussen' (
I sent you an e-mail 0n 6 March, telling you that all had been set up for you, also HR(26 May). I fyou want to take the oral exam instead, you should contact prof van Kempen:
mrs Noëlle Padberg, MA
mrs Suzanne van Buchem
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Law
International Office / Bureau Buitenland
P.O.Box 9049
6500 KK Nijmegen
T: +31243612307
F: +31243616145
Min nummer to mail, da de ikke rigtig svarede på den første.. og med det lille tvist, at jeg måske ku finde på at lave rav i det hele..
Van: [] Namens Cecilie Rasmussen
Verzonden: donderdag 2 april 2009 14:10
Onderwerp: re-sit Human Rights
Hi Noëlle and Suzanne, here I go again.. Since you didn't answer I gather that you do not know, how I should do with my Human Rights-exam?I'm considering going to Holland in the end of April/start of May and was wondering of the possibility of doing an oral HR-exam, while I'm there.. JUST checking the possibilities, so don't start anything, but IF I choose to make an earlier oral exam, should it go through you or should I contact the professor personally?
Thank you,
Cecilie Rasmussen
Min første mail, da jeg så "truslen" om en mundtlig eksamen..
Subject: re-sit Human Rights
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:03:46 +0100
Just saw this message on Blackboard; "In principle there will be a written exam. In case of few participants an oral exam will take place. This will be announced at blackboard one week before the exam."How does that put me? Should I be ready to go to NL untill the message comes on BlackBoard or will there be special arrangements for me? (just considering buying the ticket with refund-possibilities now, so that I'll be able to get a bit cheaper..)
Thank you,
Cecilie Rasmussen
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:12:53 +0100
Subject: re-sit Criminology
Dear students,
I have registered you on TIS for the re-sit Criminology, 8 April 2009, 9.00-12.00 hrs. Let me know if you do NOT want to take this re-sit exam.
[I will send the exam by fax to the two students who have gone back home( Dovile and Cecilie).]
Noëlle Padberg
mrs Noëlle Padberg, MA
mrs Suzanne van Buchem
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Law
International Office / Bureau Buitenland
P.O.Box 9049
6500 KK Nijmegen
T: +31243612307
F: +31243616145
Det her er så den mail, hvor de (åbenbart) bekræfter at BEGGE eksaminer er klar parat til start.. (Hmmm..! - og jeg har IKKE add'et stavefejl, hun skriver virkelig "you exam" og IKKE "youR examS", hvilket ville være mere retvisende, hvis hun virkelig mener at denne mail skulle stå for begge eksaminer..)
RE: Re-takes
Fra: International Office - Bureau Buitenland (
Sendt: 6. marts 2009 10:42:43
Til: 'Cecilie Rasmussen' (
Yes, everything is set up now for you exam by fax( or e-mail). When we get nearer to the date, I will contact ms Vesterlund Frandsen again, and let you know.
Best wishes,
Noëlle Padberg
mrs Noëlle Padberg, MA
mrs Suzanne van Buchem
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Law
International Office / Bureau Buitenland
P.O.Box 9049
6500 KK Nijmegen
T: +31243612307
F: +31243616145
Van: [] Namens Cecilie Rasmussen
Verzonden: dinsdag 3 maart 2009 17:03A
Onderwerp: Re-takes
Dear Noëlle and Suzanne
I've started reading my criminology book again with the intentions of attending the Criminology exam on the 8th of April - here at my home university. As far as I know, you have accepted and they have accepted, so I just want to check if everything is alright with the preparations? Will you just send the questions to my home university (Mrs. Lotte Vesterlund Frandsen) and then she'll scan and send them to you, or how will it work in practice? And the same questions actually goes for the exam, Protection of Human Rights in International Law on the 28th of May - is everything set there? I'm sorry that I keep bothering you, but I just need to know that everything is sorted out.
Thank you,
Cecilie Rasmussens-0852333
‘Fairytale of New York’
13 år siden
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